Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Post!

Hey guys! Welcome to our blog! We are part of , but that blog is for our mom. This one is for us! Since there are eleven of us, which is a lot, we decided that the five oldest girls would each get a weekday to write a post. The youngest ones can't even write yet, and the middles don't know how to type, so this seemed like the ideal arrangement. Want to know how to tell us apart?

Monday: Nellie, age 11
Tuesday: Jess, age 13
Wednesday: Emily, age (almost) 13
Thursday: Alana, age (almost) 13
Friday: Quinn, age (almost) 14

We decided to have weekends off, due to busy schedules. If you'd like to know more about us, and our six other sisters, check our mom's blog at: . We also have a YouTube channel. There are many links to it on our other blog. Enjoy!

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